Saturday, October 29, 2016

Elite Four: Road to Evolution Pokemon

Elite Four: Road to Evolution Pokemon  First you can evolve your main pokemon to stage 2nd from main quest. Second try to do every... thumbnail 1 summary
Elite Four: Road to Evolution Pokemon 

First you can evolve your main pokemon to stage 2nd from main quest.
Second try to do every quest until you level 20 to unlock Elite Four.
Third Fight to win Ice Lorelei to get Lorelei Box this box content a evolution stone.
You can fight them 3 times per day and  use 100 diamons to buy +1 more time.

Note: Ice Lorelei / Ghost Agatha is open every  Tuesday,Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
        Fighting Bruno / Dragon Lance is open every Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Sunday

 Unlock Elite Four when Character level 20

 Challenge Mode : Elite Four

 Fight Ice Lorelei 

Prepare your pokemon Glass, Lighting

 Your opponent level 20 with water pokemon
 Try to win

 Got Lorelei Box



  1. Why do i sometimes get 2 and sometimes only one box?

  2. Why do i get two and sometimes only one box of evolution stone?
